Looking for a fun game to play at your holiday parties?? My friend Zac introduced us to The Fishbowl Game a few weekends ago and we have had a blast playing. Every time we’ve played, we end up dying laughing. It’s a great game for when you have a larger group of about 10 to 20 people.
How to Play the Game First, each person who is playing will take 3 strips of paper and write a word or well-known phrase onto the paper, then place it into the bowl. The large group of people playing are split up into two groups, Team 1 and Team 2. Team 1 will go first in round 1, and Team 2 will go first in round 2 to keep it fair. How to Play Fishbowl: 1. Separate everyone into two equal teams (Team A and Team B). Have each person take three pieces of paper and write any word or familiar short phrase on each piece of paper. Have each person fold their pieces of paper in half and put them into the container. There are three rounds in Fishbowl: 1) Taboo 2) Password 3. The Best Big Fish Game From The Most Dedicated Developer. In Gogbet Singapore, all games are dedicated to the experience of every our member. We are a trustworthy site to play fish table game online, as well as other online game. Get will be able to cash out your money anytime you want.
First, have every person fill out 3 slips of paper that have one thing from each category written on them: a person, a place, and a thing.
Dump all of the papers into a “fishbowl” or something similar.
Divide into 2 teams. Team A will select a person to go first, who will try to get their team to guess as many slips as they can in 1 minute. Once team A’s minute is up, they add up how many slips of paper they guessed correctly and record that many points for the round. Then, it’s Team B’s turn. If a team hits the 1 minute mark and the clue has not yet been guessed, it goes back into the bowl. Once all of the slips of paper have been guessed, the round is complete, and they all get added back to the bowl for rounds 2 and 3. After round 3 is complete, add up the total number of slips of paper each team has guessed from each round and the team with the most points wins!
Each round has specific rules on how you can get your team to guess the word:
- Round 1: Player can use both words and actions, without saying any words that are apart of the answer
- Round 2: Player can only use actions to get their team to guess the word.
- Round 3: Player can say only 1 word to get their team to guess the clue, so they must choose carefully!
For example, if the word is “cheeseburger”, this is how it could go:
Round 1: Player could act out eating a cheeseburger, pretend to be flipping burgers, and ask “what do you eat at McDonald’s?”
Round 2: Player can only use actions, so could act like they are eating a cheeseburger and make the Golden Arches to symbolize McDonald’s. You hope that your team remembers the words from the first round, so that they will be able to quickly guess it again.
Round 3: The player can only choose one word, so they could say McDonald’s, and hope that someone remembers cheeseburger is written on one of the slips of paper!
I promise, you will be laughing by the end of this game! It is hilarious to watch people try to act out the clues and it’s also very funny to try to understand the word associations people use in round 3.
BONUS ROUNDS: In the comments below, I received ideas for a 4th and 5th round. I tried them out with friends and family…they are HYSTERICAL!
- Bonus Round 4: Player has to act out the word under a bed sheet – no talking, only movements!
- Bonus Round 5: Player uses sound effects to get their team to guess the word – no words or actions allowed. We found this round was also hysterical under the bed sheet, so you can only hear the noises, but not see what the player is doing. (It’s also hard to make sound effects without acting a little bit, so the bed sheet masks movement.)
Fishbowl Go is a mobile app that integrates with Fishbowl Manufacturing® and Fishbowl Warehouse® to handle the physical inventory side of business. Access Fishbowl Go on any mobile device with Android or iOS operating systems, and use it to scan barcodes and perform many key inventory management jobs throughout your warehouse.
Get Fishbowl Go and accelerate your warehouse management processes.
Scan In with the Receiving Module
With the simple scan of a barcode, you can receive inventory into your system as it comes off the truck, make adjustments to quantities being received, and enter tracking information in real time. Receive parts with serial numbers, lot numbers, revision levels and expiration dates. Fishbowl Go even suggests where to place your incoming inventory, helping your workers become even more efficient.
Scan Out with the Picking Module
Fishbowl Go lets you start and finish a pick order right from your handheld device. Instead of having to print a pick order, the program walks you through your warehouse telling you where to pick and the quantity needed to fill your order. You also have the option to use the Fishbowl Go voice announcements feature to verbally announce the next item and location to be picked for you. Save time by combining multiple orders and picking them simultaneously. Pick inventory for sales orders, work orders, transfer orders and vendor returns.
Get Orders Packed and Ready to Go
After all of the items in a sales order have been picked, they can be packed using the Pack module. You’ll be able to see all of the orders that have been entered and picked. Add the number of cartons you need to pack everything into and then assign each item to a carton. If items have tracking information associated with them, you’ll see an edit screen pop up once you pack the items in a carton. This will help you modify serial numbers and quantities as necessary. And finally, you can select a carrier at the bottom of the screen to ship the order.
Ship Orders Out the Door
After orders have been picked and packed, the next step is to ship them in the Ship module. That’s the default process, anyway. You can even ship orders that haven’t been packed yet by clicking the “Include entered shipments” button in the Fishbowl Go plugin. You can display as many packed orders as you like on the screen by clicking on the “Settings” button. Shipping is quite easy. You simply click on an order and then click the “Ship” button up top. The order will disappear from the list of orders waiting to be shipped. If necessary, you can void a shipment in Fishbowl’s Shipping module if it hasn’t already been exported to QuickBooks or Xero.
Move Inventory on the Go
Keep your warehouse up to date by recording inventory movements as they happen. Many inventory discrepancies occur as the result of misplaced, moved or poorly recorded parts. Rather than trying to keep track of which parts are moved to new locations and entering changes after the fact, Fishbowl Go allows you to simply scan the location and part bar codes to record the move of your inventory. You'll save time by recording the movement of inventory as it occurs.
Access, View, and Create Locations
The Location module in Fishbowl Go lets you search for any location in Fishbowl by its name, description, location group, status, and/or tag numbers. This gives you the ability to quickly check inventory counts and tracking information for parts within any location. You can even create brand-new locations in the Fishbowl Go Location module. This is an essential tool for any business wanting easy access to warehouse locations and inventory counts on the go.
Add Inventory with the Scan of a Barcode

This module is pretty self-explanatory. You can use it to add to the inventory quantities you have in stock. Simply go to the Reports module and print barcodes for all of your parts and locations. When you want to add inventory, scan a location first, then scan the part you want to add inventory to at that location, and type in the quantity you are adding. You can also manually enter locations, parts, and quantities. If you’d like to add tracking information to items, enter or scan the new tracking criterion and click the “Add Inventory” button.
Scrap Inventory by Location
Sometimes an item gets damaged or worn out, so it becomes necessary to throw it out. That’s what the Scrap module is for. It’s the reverse of the Add Inventory module. Like that module, this one relies on part and location barcodes to let you scan the ones you’re working with, but you can also do it manually. When you want to scrap items in your inventory, scan their location and then the items themselves. After that, simply enter the quantity being scrapped and their tracking information, if necessary.
Perform Cycle Counts
Fishbowl Go makes updating product quantities much easier with its cycle counting feature! It is basically a combination of the Add Inventory and Scrap modules. You can adjust inventory up or down depending on the discrepancy you notice between the quantity that is in your inventory records and the quantity that is actually on the shelf. Check out our Cycle Counting Inventory Page to learn more.
Retrieve Part Information
Quickly and easily look up part descriptions, UPC's, and real-time part tracking information. Use existing UPC's, serial & lot numbers, expiration dates, or Fishbowl-generated barcodes to manage your inventory with accuracy and efficiency. You can even assign new or updated UPC's. If you're using a wireless device and happen to leave your coverage area, your data is automatically preserved and ready to resubmit once the connection is reestablished. Also, Fishbowl's security settings let you customize access rights by user.
Finish Work Orders
How To Play Fishbowl Online
You can finish work orders in Fishbowl Go's Work Order module. Depending on the settings you have, you will be able to see only started work orders or both started and open work orders on this screen. When you click on a work order, it will display the raw goods contained in it. You can add more raw goods and pick them, if they haven't already been picked. The final screen shows you how many finished products will be manufactured from the raw goods in the work order, and you can update that number by clicking the 'Add' button. Once you've completed a work order, add its tracking information and then click the 'Finish' button. Nice and easy.
Get Signature or Image Confirmation at Delivery
How To Play Game.fish Bowl
The Delivery module is almost identical to the Ship module in Fishbowl Go, but the one thing that distinguishes it from that other module is it includes an option to obtain a signature confirmation from your customers when their orders arrive. If necessary, you even have the ability to attach an image for non-contact delivery confirmation. This can be a big benefit to clear up any confusion and assure you that your customers are getting what they ordered on schedule. You can modify the signature image’s dimensions by going into the Shipping module’s “Details” tab and clicking on the button marked “Change image options.”
Create Sales Orders on the Go
The Sales Order module in Fishbowl Go lets you make and record sales on the go from new and existing customers using a mobile device. It gives you the ability to create, edit, issue, unissue, fulfill, and view sales orders. You can even use it to create new parts to sell on the fly. Payments can also be taken within the app via cash, check, and credit card. Additionally, a CardConnect integration is available for credit card payment processing using a mobile credit card reader. This is an essential tool for companies to record transactions and make sure they receive the appropriate payment for their goods. In addition, you can add notes, taxes, and discounts to the items being sold. You can also create credit return and drop ship sales orders.
View Reports and Charts on the Go
You can have the ability to view, show and arrange live reports and interactive charts within the Fishbowl Go Dashboard feature! You can view a variety of reports, from your top five selling products, to your current inventory quantities of several parts. These reports can simply be pre-configured on your Fishbowl desktop beforehand. Check out our BI Reports Page to learn more on other reports that can be made visible within the Fishbowl Go Dashboard.